No dicionário, a definição de “cadência” é “sucessão regular de sons ou movimentos” – sendo assim, a nova linha de cavaquinhos Giannini é quem vai ditar o ritmo de seu samba a partir de agora! Os dois modelos são o mais fino dos enredos: o CS8, com tampo de Pinho Engelmann e faixa e fundo de Pau-Ferro, e o CS9, tampo de Red Cedar e faixa e fundo de Louro-Preto (ambos com braço de Cedro e escala/cavalete de Pau-Ferro), garantem que as notas fluirão de suas mãos como a evolução de uma grande escola na avenida. E mais: o acabamento brilhante apresenta a elegância própria de um mestre-sala, enquanto a captação Fishman Presys ll incorpora a força explosiva da ala de bateria campeã. Se o quesito é qualidade, os modelos Cadência merecem nota 10 em qualquer apuração.
The woods
Red Cedar (Canadian Cedar) top
Used in the manufacture of acoustic guitars, but also in chamber instruments and drum shells, Red Cedar is an incredibly resonant wood (especially for soft playing), which produces tones with “sweet” harmonics and notable sustain. Found in North America, this tree prefers mild temperatures and rainy climates; It reaches 70 meters in height and is long-lived: some are over a thousand years old. Despite being rigid, it is a light material that requires specific care when working.
With a sound more towards medium/low bass, Louro-Preto has a quality attack and excellent sustain. In musical instruments, it is used not only in the bodies of guitars and violas, but also to make necks, fingerboards and bridges. It has a medium texture, great density, highlighted longitudinal bands, and a soft cut (despite its hardness). Tree that can reach up to nine meters in height, and prefers Cerrado and Caatinga climates. Present mainly in the states of Mato Grosso, Minas Gerais and Paraná.
Used in acoustic instruments and in the creation of fingerboards and bridges. It produces pieces with good sound, beautiful finishing and excellent sustain, with a brighter tone than Rosewood, but which manages to retain the warmth for which Rosewood is celebrated. Its color varies from light yellowish brown to brownish brown, with dark veins forming characteristic and exotic irregular designs. Known for its rigidity, moderately light and very durable, Pau-Ferro is found in Goiás, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, São Paulo and Paraná states.
Brazilian Cedar
Widely used in solid instruments, due to its lightness and stability. The sound provided by Brazilian Cedro is characterized by a deeper and velvety tone, excellent bright definition (as it is not very resinous), good projection and sustain. Natural wood from open forests and fields with a hot/humid climate, widely distributed in the North region, mainly in the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará and Rondônia. It has low density, medium to thick texture, pinkish-beige color, and veins forming smooth regular designs.
Back and sides
What you will find in this model
Shapes available in this series
Shape Cavaco Clássico
Nut Width
Sizes available in this series
Cavacos 30 mm
Sizes available in this series
- Origem: Brasil
- Shape: Cavaquinho Cadência acústico
- Cor: Natural
- Tampo: Red Cedar maciço
- Lateral e Fundo: Louro-Preto
- Braço: Cedro
- Escala: Pau-Ferro
- Comprimento da escala: 340 mm (22,83”)
- Cavalete: Pau-Ferro
- Tarraxas: Pino grosso douradas (individual por corda)
- Pestana: Osso
- Largura da pestana: 30 mm (1,2”)
- Rastilho: Osso
- Largura do rastilho: 57 mm (2,24”)
- Acabamento: Verniz brilhante (NG)
- Cordas: Giannini Série Cobra GESCL Leve
- Headstock: Placa adicional em Pau-Ferro
- Largura da caixa: 240 x 170 mm
- Altura da caixa: 85 x 95 mm
- Tamanho total: 60 cm (23,22”)
- Garantia: 1 ano a partir da data na nota fiscal de compra
- EAN: 7890443024816
- Cod.: 26773